Pundit predicts Daniel Levy could accept 'Huge' bid for exit-linked Tottenham star

Daniel Levy would demand “huge sums” to even entertain the thought of allowing Tottenham to sell Cristian Romero to Real Madrid, Alan Hutton has said.... The post Pundit predicts Daniel Levy could accept 'Huge' bid for exit-linked Tottenham star appeared first on Tottenham Hotspur News.

Jun 23, 2024 - 02:00
Pundit predicts Daniel Levy could accept 'Huge' bid for exit-linked Tottenham star

Daniel Levy would demand “huge sums” to even entertain the thought of allowing Tottenham to sell Cristian Romero to Real Madrid, Alan Hutton has said.

The Evening Standard wrote in its online edition (13 June) that reports in Romero’s native Argentina claimed the La Liga champions are pondering a move for Spurs’ star centre-back.

Given the Spurs forked out a reported £42million to bring the Argentina defender from Atalanta in 2021 (Sky Sports), Spurs would be looking to make a significant profit if they were to sell.

Hutton doubts the 26-year-old will be allowed to move given this importance to the team and the strong partnership he has forged with Micky van de Ven but if he is then Levy will undoubtedly play hardball.

Speaking to Tottenham News, the former Spurs defender said: “It would depend on where he’s going, if we’re talking about Real Madrid and these sort of teams then I’m sure he might want to see what they’re saying.

“I think for Daniel Levy to sell someone like that, who’s a main player for the team it would have to be huge sums of money first and foremost to allow to him go.

“Like I said they would need options to come in, I don’t think they could allow him to go and not have a top level centre-back coming in to start the season.

So yes a lot of ifs and buts there but I wouldn’t want to see him leave, I think him and Van de Ven are a very sound partnership and Van de Ven I think makes him better as well.”

Tottenham won’t sell Cristian Romero to Real Madrid

It would look like you can file this one firmly in the “not happening” category, it just seems like too many moving parts would need to take place.

For one thing, Madrid have just signed Kylian Mbappe and, while he was a “free” transfer, the sums in terms of sign-on fees and wages are no doubt going to have cost astronomical sums.

Tottenham, Cristian Romero
Cristian Romero is a key player for Tottenham

Moreover, Los Blancos have been linked with Lille teenager Leny Yoro (the Mirror), who is a lot younger and would probably cost less.

It’s just very difficult, as Hutton rightly points out, to conceive of a world where Levy would be willing to let one of Spurs prized assets leave this summer.

In other Tottenham news, Spurs have been backed to sign a Bayern Munich ace after a recent update.

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The post Pundit predicts Daniel Levy could accept 'Huge' bid for exit-linked Tottenham star appeared first on Tottenham Hotspur News.

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